I Had Sssi Benefits Before How Do I Get Again

i. Aunt Polly punished Tom Sawyer because he ... naughty.

A) has been

B) had been

2. Why are you looking so unhappy? – I ... my pocketbook.

A) have lost

B) had lost

3. Sam was upset because Judy … .

A) hasn't come up

B) hadn't come

four. Mother asked the children if they ... some biscuits for tea.

A) has bought

B) had bought

5. I ... some photos to exist developed. Are they ready?

A) have left

B) had left

6. Tell Tommy most these wonderful islands. He ... about them.

A) has never heard

B) had never heard

vii. I'm so happy to see you over again. I ... you since I left Berks.

A) haven't seen

B) hadn't seen

8. She said she ... him since she left Berks.

A) hasn't seen

B) hadn't seen


1b; 2a; 3b; 4b; 5a; 6a; 7a; 8b.


ane. You will ... speak Spanish in some other few months.

A) tin C) be able to

B) have D) ought

2. I'd similar ... skate.

A) to can C) have to

B) to exist able to D) could

3. Nobody answers the phone. They ... be out.

A) should C) can

B) would D) must

four. I'g sad, I ... have phoned to tell yous I was coming.

A) should to C) had to

B) ought to D) could

v. To my mind, the government ... take care of old people.

A) ought C) must

B) need to D) may

6. I ... get up early on on Mondays.

A) am able C) must

B) take to D) may

vii. The policeman told the woman she ... worry.

A) needn't C) couldn't

B) needn't to D) mustn't

8. ... y'all listen passing me the salt?

A) will C) could

B) should D) would

nine. As you ... call up, I was always interested in scientific experiments.

A) may C) must

B) have to D) ought to

10. Little children like books with large print. They ... read them more hands.

A) should C) tin can

B) must D) have to

11. ... I speak to Jane, please?

A) could C) must

B) shall D) ought

12. My dentist says I ... eat so many sweets.

A) needn't C) ought not

B) mustn't D) shouldn't

thirteen. Why hasn't Mr. Grill got in touch with us? - I don't quite know. It ... be that he has lost our telephone number.

A) may C) must

B) ought to D) should

14. Liz seems to be avoiding you. - I tin't tell you for sure. She ... have been hurt by my words about her boyfriend.

A) should C) might

B) must D) needn't


1c; 2b; 3d; 4b; 5c; 6b; 7a; 8a; 9a; 10c; 11a; 12d; 13a; 14c.


ane. The day before yesterday we (invited) to the restaurant by Tom Jenkins.

A) are invited

B) were invited

C) invite

ii. Expect! The bridge (repair).

A) is being repaired

B) is been repaired

C) has being repaired

3. The alphabetic character and the bundle (mail) tomorrow.

A) will exist post

B) will accept been posted

C) will exist posted

4. Margaret (know) to be a very industrious person.

A) has been known

B) is known

C) is been known

5. In Greece the Olympic Games (hold) once in four years.

A) were held

B) are being held

C) are held

6. The problem (study) for three years, but they haven't got whatever results.

A) has been studied

B) has being studied

C) was studied

7. Dad phoned united states of america and asked if our luggage (already / pack).

A) was already being packed

B) had already been packed

C) was packed

8. The doctor said that Tommy'southward leg (Ten-rayed) the following mean solar day.

A) will exist 10-rayed

B) would be 10-rayed

C) will have been X-rayed

ix. A police force motorcar came when the injured man (carry off) the road.

A) was being carried off

B) was been carrying off

C) has been carried off

ten. I (bear) in a small Russian town not far from Samara.

A) was borne

B) am built-in

C) was born

eleven. This volume (republish) by the terminate of September.

A) would been republished

B) volition have been republished

C) volition been republished

12. What a pity, John won't come up. He (tell) nigh the meeting beforehand.

A) should have been told

B) should exist told

C) should been told


1b; 2a; 3c; 4b; 5a; 6a; 7b; 8b; 9a; 10c; 11b; 12a.

REPORTED Oral communication

i. John said, "I'm sorry to disturb you, Eliza".

A) John told that he was sorry to disturb Eliza.

B) John told Eliza he was sorry to disturb her.

C) John said to Eliza he had been distressing to disturb her.

ii. He said, "Where is Jill going?"

A) He asked where was Jill going.

B) He asked where Jill is going.

C) He asked where Jill was going.

iii. Sally said, "I would like to buy information technology".

A) Emerge said that she would similar to buy it.

B) Sally said she would have liked to buy it.

C) Emerge said that she liked to buy it.

4. "If I had any instructions, I would know what to practise", said Mag.

A) Magazine said that if she had had any instructions she would accept known what to exercise.

B) Mag said if she had whatever instructions she knew what to do.

C) Magazine said that if she had any instructions she would know what to do.

5. Robby asked, "Bobby, exercise you know the Old Barn Hotel? Information technology's on the Carl Road".

A) Robby asked Bobby if he knew the Onetime Barn Hotel that was on the Carl Road.

B) Robby asked Bobby did he know the Old Barn Hotel; it was on Carl Road.

C) Robby asked Bobby where the Quondam Barn Hotel was.

6. The doctor asked, "How practise you feel?"

A) The medico asked how did I feel.

B) The doctor asked how I felt.

C) The doctor asked how I had felt

7. "Will you be free tomorrow?" Colin asked Richard.

A) Richard asked would Colin be gratuitous the next day.

B) Colin asked Richard if he would be gratuitous the following day.

C) Colin asked if Richard will be gratis tomorrow.

eight. "Don't open the door or reply the phone", said her parents.

A) Her parents said to her non to open the door to answer the phone.

B) Her parents told her non to open the door and answer the telephone.

C) Her parents told her neither to open the door nor to respond the telephone.

9. "Why hasn' t he locked the car door?" the policeman said.

A) The policeman asked why he hadn't locked the automobile door.

B) The policeman asked why hadn't he locked the car door.

C) The policeman asked why he didn't lock the car door.

ten. The students said, "We wish our exams were over".

A) The students said they wished their exams had been over.

B) The students said that they wished their exams accept been over.

C) The students said they wished their exams were over.

11. Tom said, "Jerry has been my best friend since our early on childhood".

A) Tom told Jerry that he had been his best friend since their early childhood.

B) Tom said that Jerry has been my best friend since our early on childhood.

C) Tom said that Jerry had been his best friend since their early childhood.

12. "Where is the nearest bus stop?" the old homo addressed a policeman.

A) The old man asked where was the nearest double-decker stop.

B) The old human asked a policeman where the nearest jitney stop was.

C) The erstwhile man told a policeman where the nearest omnibus stop was.

thirteen. The teacher said to us, "Be quiet, please".

A) The teacher asked us be repose.

B) The teacher told us to be quiet.

C) The instructor said to us to be tranquillity.

xiv. "Could you show me these jeans, please?" said the boy.

A) The boy said to show him those jeans.

B) The boy asked to evidence him those jeans.

C) The male child asked if the salesgirl could bear witness him these jeans.

15. "If I were you, I'd stop smoking", Jeff said.

A) Jeff said that if he were him he would accept stopped smoking.

B) Jeff said that if he had been him he would stop smoking.

C) Jeff advised him to finish smoking.

16. "Don't swim too far, love", asked Dad.

A) Dad asked her non to swim too far.

B) Dad asked her don't swim as well far.

C) Dad asked her if she wouldn't swim too far.

17. Shop banana: Would you lot wait half an 60 minutes, delight? - Customer: All right.

A) The store banana asked whether the customer would wait half an hr. The client said that it was all right.

B) The shop assistant asked if the customer would expect half an hour. The customer agreed to await.

C) The shop banana asked whether the customer would wait half an hour. The customer said it would be all correct.

18. Mrs. Smith said to Mr. Smith, "Don't article of clothing your all-time trousers in the garden".

A) Mrs. Smith told Mr. Smith not to wear his best trousers in the garden.

B) Mrs. Smith said to Mr. Smith that he didn't wear his best trousers in the garden.

C) Mrs. Smith told Mr. Smith not to have worn his best trousers in the garden.


1b; 2c; 3a; 4c; 5a; 6b; 7b; 8c; 9a; 10c; 11c; 12b; 13b; 14b; 15c; 16a; 17b; 18a.


i. My parents decided that nosotros (celebrate) my birthday on Saturday.

A) would celebrate

B) shall celebrate

C) historic

2. Mike hoped that his friend (aid) him with his car.

A) would assistance

B) will aid

C) helped

3. We didn't know the score, simply nosotros were sure their team (lose) the game.

A) has lost

B) had lost

C) lost

4. Yesterday Tom heard that his aunt (exist ill) for five days.

A) was ill

B) has been ill

C) had been sick

v. The children were afraid of making any dissonance - Mom (sleep).

A) was sleeping

B) slept

C) had been sleeping

half dozen. He gave all his money to me because he (trust) me.

A) would trust

B) trusted

C) had trusted

7. Nosotros were told that Andrew (become) to enter that college.

A) is going

B) went

C) was going

8. The constabulary constitute out that Bob Slant (alive) in London'southward suburbs at that time.

A) had been living

B) lives

C) lived

9. I knew that Mercury (be) the closest planet to the sun, only I didn't feel like answering the question.

A) was

B) is

C) had been

10. The pupil wasn't able to do the translation because he (not / know) some special terms.

A) hadn't known

B) didn't know

C) doesn't know

11. Ann hasn't been informed that the lecture (not / take place) on Friday.

A) hasn't taken place

B) wouldn't take place

C) won't take place


1a; 2a; 3b; 4c; 5a; 6b; 7c; 8c; 9b; 10b; 11b.


Source: https://studopedia.ru/19_197945_PAST-PERFECT--PRESENT-PERFECT.html

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